Logan Middle School
Middle School
1450 Avon St | La Crosse, Wisconsin 54603 | 608-789-7740 | FAX: 608-789-7752

Español 7: el 23-27 de abril

LUNES, EL 23 DE ABRIL     Día 2

We will use the countries/cities/ nationalities cards to ask a variety of questions for GDD.  We will review all of the countries and then discuss WS Nacionalidades.  After our break, students will use a nationality handout to learn the vocabulary for their own nationality (if they know it).  The remainder of the period will be spent finishing ¿Quién es? Find a photo of anyone you like.  Tell who it is, where they are from, what nationality they are.  Post to Google Classroom.  TAREA:  ¿Quién es?

MARTES Y MIÉRCOLES, EL 24 Y 25 DE ABRIL     Días 3 y 4

We will do and discuss GDD, and share our fotos from ¿Quién es?. We will introduce and practice vocabulary from page 14 of the text, and add the new words to our vocabulary lists.  We will go as far as we can with page 15, as well.  TAREA: No hay.  (STUDY quizlet set if you are bored, or if you did not get all vocabulary written down.)

JUEVES Y VIERNES, EL 26 Y 27 DE ABRIL     Días 5 y 6

We will do and discuss GDD using text page 15.  We will practice word order and vocabulary A LOT with numerous examples within our class!  We will complete our vocabulary lists.  We will complete Act. 1 and 2 using text page 16.  If there is still time, we will play Quizlet with our new vocabulary.  TAREA:  WS p. 1