Logan Middle School
Middle School
1450 Avon St | La Crosse, Wisconsin 54603 | 608-789-7740 | FAX: 608-789-7752

Español 8: el 14-18 de mayo

LUNES Y MARTES, EL 14-15 DE MAYO     Días 5 y 6

We will do and discuss GDD.  We will quickly discuss the IR packet to practice our forms, and then spend the remainder of the period working to learn as much vocabulary as possible from the family, house, and chores lists.  TAREA:  WS vocabulario pages 57-60

MIÉRCOLES Y JUEVES, EL 16-17 DE MAYO     Días 1 y 2

We will do and discuss GDD.  We will discuss as much of the vocabulary and practice as much as possible.  We will receive all of our exam prep materials and advice on how to prepare.  TAREA:  LISTENING COMPREHENSION FINAL ON FRIDAY AND MONDAY.  READING AND WRITING ON TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, SPEAKING ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY.

VIERNES, EL 18 DE MAYO     Día 3

We will complete the listening comprehension test, and then spend the remainder of the period preparing / practicing for our speaking, reading, and writing finals next week.