School of Technology & Arts II
1450 Avon St | La Crosse, Wisconsin 54603 | 608-789-7740 | Fax: 608-789-7752


SOTA II began operation in the fall of 1997 as a middle school of choice and serves 25-40, grade 6-8. The community puts a priority on small class sizes.  Studies link the active learning of an art form to increased student motivation and the ability to learn other skills like reading, mathematics, and writing. Research has also linked participation in the arts to such positive outcomes as increased student participation in community service and appreciation of cultural differences. Similar research indicates that a wide range of computer technologies support the development of advanced thinking, analyzing, and synthesizing skills. SOTA II uses technology and the arts as tools for integrating learning of core subjects into thematic units. This method of curriculum delivery takes into account individual student interest and skills and allows students a different way to show their learning. Everyone is welcome to attend SOTA II from any elementary school or background. All that is required is a passion for learning and a strong curiosity in the world.

SOTA II is now at Logan Middle School!!


With recent changes in the district SOTA II is excited to announce that we have a new home.  SOTA II will be now in Logan Middle School on Avon Street.  The classrooms are right outside of the auditorium doors with plenty of outside light.  As learners we have space to spread out and stretch to meet our learning needs