Elementary School
1111 S. 7th St | La Crosse, Wisconsin 54601 | 608-789-7695 | Fax: 608-789-7030

Welcome to the Hamilton/SOTA I Library


The School District of La Crosse K-12 Library program promotes the library as a virtual and physical place to read, learn, and expand personal and educational horizons. The mission of the Library program is to ensure students and staff have access to high quality print and digital materials for class and personal use in order to become effective users and creators of ideas and information, and responsible savvy digital citizens. The Library program provides educational technology support for the design and creation of projects; reading promotions for personal and information use; recommendations for online research resources; Makerspace opportunities; and the instructional steps toward eventual independent learning. Students may come to the library individually, in small groups, or with an entire class to use the space and available physical and digital resources.

Welcome to the Library!


In the Library, we strive to be the instructional hub of the school. With a collection of over 9,000 items, the Library provides students and teachers with digital and print resources ranging from books, magazines and models to puppets and beyond.

Children come often to the Library to listen to stories, research many topics, learn about digital citizenship, and to check out books. Children make their own selections with help from teachers and Library staff. Students enjoy browsing in the picture book section or searching for materials on their favorite subject. Whatever they are interested in, there is sure to be something for them in the Library.

Happy Reading!

Mrs. Harden

Like our school’s library webpage on Facebook!

Virtual Library and more, can be found here.

Language Arts:


Growing Readers

The 14 library teachers of the School District of La Crosse worked together to create the district-wide Growing Readers initiative in 14 buildings for 6000 students and 1000 staff. Over the course of the school year, we focused on three facets of librarianship: advocacy for reading, finding the right books for students, and creating a culture of reading where students can progress as readers. This grassroots project was designed not only to advocate for our libraries but also to create lifelong learners, readers, and library users among all of our students and staff.