Elementary School
1111 S. 7th St | La Crosse, Wisconsin 54601 | 608-789-7695 | Fax: 608-789-7030

Community School

Our Community School

Our Community School brings students, staff, families, and the community together to co-educate, meet immediate needs, and provide opportunities of transformational change to help families thrive.

We share what we learn and continually seek feedback and involvement from stakeholders.


Our Community Schools Hope & Dream Statement:

Cultivating a supportive community where students, families, staff, and partners belong, learn, and grow in a culture of joy, care, and trust.


Our Community School Leadership Team (CSLT) is made up of staff, families and community partners to: 

  • Learn root causes of challenges our school, students, families, staff, and community face
  • Come up with theories of improvements
  • Share what we learn with stakeholder focus groups and receive feedback
  • Form problem-solving teams composed of stakeholders dedicated to solving these problems
  • Explore data and anecdotal evidence to guide the team and access if strategies are working

Both Northside and Hamilton Elementary schools are implementing the La Crosse School District’s Community School Initiative.

What is a Community School?