Middle School
1900 Denton Street | La Crosse, Wisconsin 54601 | 608-789-7670 | Fax: 608-789-7975




All students will receive iPads for the 2019-20 School Year.  They will be distributed the second week of school.  All students will need to complete a Parent Student iPad Insurance Form.  This form will be included in the summer mailing packet sent home the first week of August.  The form and $20 for the insurance to cover repairs and damages to the iPad need to be returned to school at Open House events or on the first day of school.  Checks should be made out to Longfellow/LDI MS.

REMINDER:  iPad Insurance Fee may be paid using Skyward Family Access and RevTrek.  Information will be posted on Family Access on how to use this system to pay online using a debit or credit card.

All students were sent an ipad damage report with report cards in June indicating any charges for damages or damaged parts.  Please pay for any charges during Open House or at the beginning of the school year.  Replacement parts will then be given to the student when ipads are distributed.

Please refer to the Longfellow/LDI student handbook for more information.



Insurance Covers the ipad itself for damages or loss.

Insurance does NOT cover the replacement of:


Item Cost
iPad Voluntary Insurance

(Yearly, August to August, non-refundable)

iPad $300
iPad Glass $100
iPad Power Brick $20
iPad Power Cable $20
iPad Issued Case $30


Students may purchase replacement parts in the Longfellow/LDI office with cash or checks. Checks should be make out to Longfellow.  Please call the office at 608-789-7670.